How Can You Use Kratom With Coffee?

October 13, 2022

kratom with coffee

Kratom is a medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia. It’s been used for centuries by people that live near it as a cure for chronic pain, anxiety, and other ailments. However, the buzz that Kratom gives you differs from an opiate high or any other kind of drug experience you might have had. It has a unique effect on the user’s mind and body, which makes it possible to combine kratom with coffee to get even more benefits from these two very different substances.

Why are people using Kratom with coffee?

The reason why people are using Kratom with coffee is that both have similar effects. They can be used together to increase the strength of the desired effects and decrease the unwanted side effects. The stimulant properties of both herbs will counteract each other’s sedative properties and vice versa. Coffee and kratom both have analgesic properties that counterbalance each other’s effects, while kratom’s antidepressant qualities neutralize caffeine’s depressive effect by helping relieve stress and depression.

Effects of using Kratom with coffee

The effects of combining Kratom with coffee are a “your mileage may vary” situation. Some people get a noticeable buzz lasting for several hours, while others report no significant effect. The best way to find out if this combo is for you is by trying it out and seeing how it affects you personally.

If you’re like most people and tend to drink coffee in the morning as part of your routine (and perhaps part of your ritual), using it before or after drinking coffee could be the perfect way to incorporate both substances into your life without having them interfere with one another too much. You’ll still get your daily dose of caffeine from your cup o’ joe, but an added layer of relaxation from Kratom could help reduce jitters or anxiety caused by rising blood sugar levels due to consuming that much caffeine on an empty stomach (which most people do).

Ways to use Kratom with coffee

Use Kratom and Coffee Together

If you love coffee, it’s easy to see how combining this potent drink with Kratom would be a good idea. They both have energizing qualities, so why not enjoy them together for a double dose of energy? This is one way that people use Kratom with coffee.

Add Kratom Powder to Your Morning Drink

Kratom coffee powder can be mixed into cold or hot drinks to create an energizing morning beverage that will give you plenty of focus and drive throughout the day. It’s recommended that users add ½-1 teaspoon of kratom powder per 8 ounces (240 ml) of liquid they’re using as long as they follow all manufacturer guidelines when preparing their beverages.

Get Creative With Your Kratom Infusion Drinks!

Kratom can be infused into any drink you want. From hot chocolate, and coffee kratom to iced tea, you can choose from plenty of options. It’s best to use only high-quality kratom powder that contains no additives or fillers for the best results.

coffee kratom

Recipe 1 – Kratom with milk or cream and sugar

To make Kratom and coffee, you need:

  • 1 cup of milk or cream
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (or coconut oil)
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey (optional)
  • Mix the milk and butter in a small saucepan. Heat until the butter melts and everything is hot but not boiling. If you want to sweeten it, add sugar or honey now (I used sugar). Let it cool down until warm but not hot anymore. Remove from heat and let it cool down so you can drink it later! You can also put your cup in the fridge for a few hours if you don’t want to drink it immediately after making this mixture! It will taste even better when chilled because of its high-fat content – just like ice cream!

kratom with coffee

Recipe 2 – Kratom with milk, cream, and honey

For this recipe, you will need 1/2 cup of milk or cream, 3 tbsp of honey, and 2 tsp of sugar.

  • Mix your Kratom with the milk/cream until it’s completely dissolved. If you’re using a blender, blend it for about 30 seconds until it’s thoroughly mixed in with the liquid.
  • Add your honey and sugar to the mixture and stir well until everything is dissolved. You can use any brand of coffee in this recipe; however, I recommend using the same brand as your Kratom so that they complement each other well (no one wants hot chocolate after drinking coffee!)
  • For an extra kick, add some ice cubes and enjoy!

Recipe 3 – Kratom shake

This recipe is perfect for those who like their Kratom a little sweet. It’s easy to make and a great way to enjoy Kratom as a dessert!

To make Kratom shake: Mix 1 tablespoon of green powder with 1 cup of milk or coconut milk in a blender. Add honey or sugar to taste. You can also add cinnamon and nutmeg if you want the shake to be tastier. This will help you absorb more nutrients from your body while you do it before bedtime!

You can also use this shake to make a smoothie. Add honey, ice cubes, and some berries or bananas for additional nutrients. It’s so healthy; you’ll be surprised!

Recipe 4 – Kratom Tea

You will need the following:

  • Kratom powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Water (5 cups)
  • Tea bag or loose tea of your choice (2 bags)

If you use the tea bag, add the kratom powder to hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes. If you use loose-leaf white or green tea, add boiling water to it and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. You can also try making kratom tea in a coffee pot by adding boiling water to the kratom extract in a cold brew. 

coffee and kratom

How many times can you use Kratom in a day?

You can use Kratom as many times as you want. The only thing to remember is that it’s recommended not to use it more than two or three times a day because it’s still an opioid, and you don’t want to get addicted.

If you want to use it once or twice a day, your best bet is the green vein kratom powder (or leaf). It will be easier for your body to handle this, and there are fewer side effects from using green vein kratom powder (or leaf) than from using red vein kratom powder (or leaf).


If you want to try Kratom but don’t know how to use it, these recipes can come in handy for you. All of them are simple and easy to make. The best thing about them is that they can also enhance your mood while giving you energy!

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