Kratom Drug Test: Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Test?

February 3, 2022

kratom drug test

Drug tests detect the presence of specific substances which are restricted for public consumption. Even though a chemical may be legal for consumption, it can appear in the test. It may be a permissible thing to consume- it can likely indicate positive test results. However, the main question is, does kratom show up on drug tests?

kratom drug test

Most drug tests are done to check the presence of alcohol or any other kind of narcotics. Examining the body for drug presence is a convenient way to identify substance influence in the blood. However, common specimens include blood and urine samples to check the presence of a substance. 

People consume it as a health supplement. Nevertheless, it has medicinal potential, making it a preferable choice for several individuals. However, because of its psychoactive properties, it can put someone in trouble. Let us know the background of the herbal tree.

Kratom: A Brief Note

Kratom is a tree native to the countries of South Asia. The evergreen leaves of the tree contain the therapeutic essence of nature. Long before its discovery, Asian people used its leaves to energize themselves. One can relate its effect to be similar in action to coffee. However, it is very intense.

kratom powder

The diverse nature of the tree allows it to have three different strains— Green, Red, and White. The veins of its leaves display a color theme, after which its different strains get their name. Moreover, these strains have peculiar qualities and potency levels to benefit the individuals consuming them. Let us know more about the chemical nature of Mitragyna speciosa, aka Kratom.

What Are The Chemical Aspects Of Kratom?

Kratom is said to possess medicinal potential. Its consumption can produce therapeutic benefits to the body and mind. The chemical alkaloid, Mitragynine, is present in its leaves. As we know, it is the primary alkaloid among other alkaloids found in the tree.

It displays a broad spectrum of both therapeutic and medicinal potentials. It is why people consume powder from its leaves for numerous health-benefiting reasons. One can use it for the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Body discomfort
  • Chronic pain
  • Cough
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of concentration
  • Stress

The Psychotropic Nature Of Kratom

We have learned about the health benefits of Kratom. However, other health effects of this tree reflect the primary reason it can show up on a drug test. Because it imitates the action of most opioids, it also affects the opioid receptors in the brain.

Mitragynine stimulates the brain in specific ways. It is why consumption of it leads to psychoactive effects in humans. Not only this, but the long-term, continued consumption of this substance may also lead to addiction. 

The Procedure Of A Drug Test

Be it Kratom or any other substance- a proper test is required to check whether the particular chemical is in your body or not. A sample from blood or urine is taken in a vial for the test. After this, the test sample is processed in a laboratory and screened for the presence of the psychotropic element.

A drug test may also consider the person’s saliva or hair strand for drug screening. Nevertheless, it entirely depends on the lab technician and the substance to be screened. 

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Test?

It can be a potent therapeutic agent. High doses of this compound may induce euphoria and sedation. However, only its small quantities provide a stimulating effect. It is lawful at the federal level, but showing up on a drug test might confuse people.

However, not all American States have legalized Kratom. It means the authorities may only test for Kratom if the particular State restricts it. So, yes! it might show up on a drug test. However, not all tests can indicate a positive output with Kratom. A usual 5-panel test is less likely to detect Mitragynine. However, a 10-panel test can. In addition, blood and urine samples can also display the presence of Kratom residues in the body.

How Long Does Kratom Stay In The Body?

After acknowledging that Kratom can show up on a drug test, it is equally crucial to know the period this substance remains in our bodies. To be precise, the staying period (usually 4-6 days) depends on various bodily features.

The effects are directly dependent on its dosage. It means that higher doses will remain in the body for a longer time than low doses. Nevertheless, some parameters impact that time of presence for any substance. They are:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Metabolic rate
  • Amount of substance consumed
  • Other health issues

What Not To Do When One Consumes Kratom?

It is a highly effective substance. It is efficient even in traceable amounts. So, it becomes a mandatory point to consider the dosage. Not only this, high doses will stay in the body longer than low doses. It increases the risk of showing up on a drug test even after several hours.

kratom powder

It is a clear indication that consuming low doses will eliminate faster than a high dose (4-6 grams). Moreover, frequent consumption of this herb can also lead to addiction.

What To Do To Prevent Kratom Addiction?

Although it may have numerous health benefits, consuming it frequently may be addictive. Because of its opiate-like mechanism, it may trigger body dependence. One should consider simple measures to avoid this problem.

To make one’s body habitual of its consumption, they can begin by having 1-2 grams of the powder once in 2-3 days. By doing this, you can adjust your body to a new chemical. It will help you prevent addiction and save you from the trouble of withdrawal symptoms.

Significant Side Effects Of Consuming Kratom

Appropriate dosing of it can produce a considerable improvement in the results. Besides, you can receive its therapeutic advantages without the risk of its side effects. Some known adverse effects of it are:

  • Excessive sleep
  • Confusion
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Product dependence
  • Withdrawal symptoms

The Final Thought

Kratom may be a solution to achieve a quick boost of energy. But, it can influence a drug test report. As it is likely to appear in test samples, one should wait for 4-6 days to get their tests done. Apart from this, appropriate consumption can effectively ensure proper health by reducing the chance of its addiction.

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