A complete guide to kratom strains available in 2021

September 18, 2021

What is kratom?

The kratom plant is a tropical tree native to South East Asia. This evergreen tree’s leaves contain compounds that may have psychotropic effects on the human mind. It is also known by many other names like ketum, kakuam, thang, and thom. Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) is mainly found in Thailand, the Philippines, and New Guinea.  It is also grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar. This plant species is similar to that of the coffee plant.

It has gained popularity due to its opioid properties and stimulant-like effects. The leaves of the plant are dried and used in tea, capsules, and sometimes even smoked. The leaves themselves can also be chewed without drying.

Vendors selling kratom products and supplements can be easily found online, although its availability may be restricted in some places. 

Here is your Kratom strains guide to help you navigate smoothly through your kratom journey. 

Why kratom?

Kratom leaves can be prepared in a variety of ways. The dried and powdered leaves can be used to prepare tea, capsules, and pills. There are over 40 chemical compounds present in the plant that stimulate the opioid receptors in the brain to produce effects of pleasure, sedation, and decreased pain, especially when consumed in large quantities. Though the alkaloids present trigger the opioid receptors in the brain, it is not technically considered an opiate substance. It is also used as an antidepressant, cough suppressant, and sexual stimulant. In small quantities, some people report increased awareness, sociability, and an increase in vigor. In regular doses, kratom is believed to be very safe. There are different varieties of the kratom plant available, and each variety has its properties. 

kratom strains


Different varieties of Kratom

The variations of the kratom plant are classified and named according to the color of the veins and the region in which it is grown. There are three main varieties based on color difference – white vein, red vein, and green vein. Each variation has its properties, and it is essential to know the unique differences between the strains to consume the one best suited for yourself.

White vein kratom 

White vein kratom is said to be very stimulating, energizing and can give the user an increase in euphoria within just a few minutes. It increases concentration, alertness and uplifts mood. It resembles most of the effects that coffee provides without the post-consumption withdrawal symptoms. 

White vein kratom also has several sub-strains with unique characteristics. 

Potent strains of white kratom contain more significant concentrations of alkaloids, making them very effective in small doses. Some provide immediate and long-lasting effects, while others are extremely effective as a pain killer, mood booster, as well as a substitute for opiates. White Borneo relieves pain and stress while still leaving you invigorated to go about your daily work. Here are some of the common sub-strains:

  • White Indo
  • White Maeng da 
  • White Thai 
  • White Sumatra 
  • White Borneo 

Red Vein Kratom

Red vein kratom is said to be more potent than white or green kratom, with effects showing immediately. It is increasingly popular due to its highly effective calming and pain relief properties. The Borneo and Bali sub strains are the most potent. This strain effectively provides relief from anxiety, induces relaxation and euphoria, helps in pain relief, and gives the user an energy boost. Sub strains of this variety are helpful for several reasons. They can be powerful stimulants and muscle relaxants and are also capable of promoting sleep and boosting concentration levels in small doses. 

  • Red vein Bali 
  • Red vein Thai 
  • Red horn kratom 
  • Red vein Sumatra 
  • Red vein Borneo 

Green vein kratom

This strain of kratom is well known, and the strength of the effects of this strain are much milder compared to the red and white variety, making it extremely popular. It provides its users with a more balanced experience. This strain provides mild pain relief, a moderate boost in energy levels, increases concentration, boosts mood, and is a great stress buster. There are many sub strains of this variety depending on which region it is cultivated in:

  • Green Malay
  • Green Borneo 
  • Green Bali
  • Green Thai
  • Green Sumatra

kratom strains guide


How is it used?

It is traditionally used by making tea out of the leaves; the leaves are also chewed to relieve musculoskeletal pain, increase appetite, and sexual desire. The leaves are also used to treat wounds, provide anesthesia and treat coughs, diarrhea, and intestinal infections. 

Due to its opiate stimulating effects, it is also used to treat withdrawal symptoms. It is important to note the effects of the substrain you purchase and consume and be aware of its potency. The effects that kratom provides are extremely potent and depend on the concentration of the dose consumed.  It is recommended to try it in minimal doses if you are a first-timer. The taste of kratom is very bitter and is often consumed with some form of juice or lemon. The lemon helps extract the alkaloids out of the powder into the liquid. Though pills and capsules are available, it is recommended to consume the powder in its raw form for quicker efficacy.

Kratom products are readily available online and can be found with ease via a simple internet search. There are some online forums as well with information on how to purchase them and where to purchase the variety you’re looking for.


Kratom, as you can see, is a very versatile ingredient providing a number of effects in a variety of possible combinations. It can be consumed in a number of ways, and each strain and sub strain has its unique benefits as per its concentration and dosage. Be mindful of these parameters when selecting which strain is best for you. Choosing the wrong one or the wrong dosage could create undesired effects. Should you purchase them online, ensure they are purchased from a trusted vendor with credibility.

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